The cost of the commute is certainly something we could all do without, especially at this time of year.
But sometimes public transport is not an option and walking or cycling to work isn’t always practical. But there is still a way to save some money on the cost of getting to and from work, whilst also doing your bit for sustainability.
So, why not try car sharing your journeys to and from Thorpe Park Leeds?
What is car sharing?
Also known as lift sharing or car-pooling, car sharing is essentially sharing your car journey with at least one other person. By matching our journeys with other people there is the potential to significantly reduce emissions from travel whilst also saving money. Car sharing can be informal between friends, family and colleagues or you could find others to share with through online platforms such as Liftshare.
How to get going
To find people making the same or similar journeys, just follow a few simple steps!
- Head over to the website. From there you can input the details of one or more journeys that you’d like to make and share.
- Complete a short registration form – the Liftshare website is free to use.
- Search the results to find others that you could share journeys with. If you find a suitable match, contact the person through the online secure system.
- Start sharing your journeys and start saving money.
You’re likely to have questions about car sharing, such as will it have an impact on your car insurance or what happens if you need to get home early one day. Well, the Liftshare website has these questions answered. Head over to their FAQ page for all the information you could need. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for though, get in touch with the ParkLife team and we will try to help.
For more information on car sharing, why not download our handy car sharing flyer? If you’re a workplace and would like some printed copies, just get in touch and we can arrange this for you. We can also send copies of our car sharing poster to display in your workplace!